SOLUTIONS Crowdstrike Endpoint Protection Platform

Light weight agent

Agent Crowdstrike only take ~3% CPU consumtion in usage.

Scanless Tecnology

Falcon does not rely on signature for scanning, Falcon using Machine Learning and Behavior for detection.

#1 Gartner,Forester,...

Falcon ranked TOP #1 Gartner for EPP, ranked #1 Forrester for EDR and  TOP Leader Threat Intel in Forester.

Endpoint protection completely

Falcon platform is supported by AI in Cloud with CrowdStrike Threat Graph® database. Crowdstrike Falcon is combines with tools and technologies - includes Next-Generation Antivirus (NGAV), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), Managed & Proactive Threat Hunting, … , Identify protection, cloud security and vulnerability management, whole provides by a light weight agent.

Next-Gen Anti Vius

Falcon Prevent (NGAV) provides solution to replace AV legacy with combines technology and protection, provide detail attack and threat.

NGAV using Machine Learning and AI to detection application, malware known and unknown, zero-day and ransomware and using IOAs to protect endpoint.

EDR (Endpoint Detection & Respose)

Falcon Insight (Endpoint Detection & Ressponse) provide visibility endpoint continuously and complete. Detection and Response scale at Endpoint.

Falcon Insight monitor all activity endpoint and analytics at real-time to identify threat, malware, it's provide protection advanced malware when it exploit at endpoint.

Discover (Observability and Assets Management)

Falcon Discover defines system access illigal into application in your enviroment, in real-time. It's provide secure access for all application.

With Falcon Discover, you can have access about assets and application is protected in your network. You can allow or deny any access and easily investigate root cause of incident.

Device Control - External Device Management

Falcon Device Control secures extenal device in your enviroment. Build in Falcon platform, combines with observability and detail control, let administrator protects only external approved devices can connect to system. Falcon provides history and real-time usage with logs, let administrator know what happend with all USB.

Spotlight - Vulnerability

Falcon Spotlight is vulnerability module of Falcon platform. It's expandable detection for Falcon by provide all vulnerability of endpoint, makes detail for detection.

By the way provides vulnerability and endpoint protection, CrowdStrike proactives prevents exploits via vul, at the same time let administrator patchs and remediate by priority. 

Threat Intelligence

Automated provides vision for state of companies, known what happend in your enviroment.

All of data source is provided by all expert of crowdstrike searching for malware and all actor around the world.

  • Visualize relationships between IOCs and adversaries found on your endpoints protected by the Falcon platform
  • Hunt for threats with IOCs enriched with context
  • Strengthen defenses with CrowdStrike's real-time global IOC feed
  • Pre-built integrations and APIs enable you to orchestrate defenses with existing security solutions